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Don’t forsake Assembly of One another…Dr Kate Kawas urges Christians ( Video)



The Proprietress Lekced International School Dr Mrs Kate Kawas has stressed the need for Christian faithful not to forsake the Assembling of one another as it serves as a way of spiritual upliftment.

Speaking on the topic, The power of Fellowship” during Sunday service, Bishop Dr Kawas admonished Christians to make it a habit to attend midweek services as failure to do so can create setback as Christians.

The sermon was drawn from the book of Hebrews 10: 24, 25.

She said “the end is near; hence the need for Christians not to forsake the assemblies of togetherness because the enemy is working over time. The devil has kept us so busy in entertainment and having fun and we have forgetten that we need to be in Gods presence.

“So many of us spend too much time pursuing money and having fun.

“If it is agreed by the Church to be in service on Wednesday and you fail to do so, then you are wrong”.

According to her, no matter what you are doing, if God does not bless it, you will end up pursuing nothing. We must spend time in God’s house as the day of the Lord is coming really fast.

“Worldly system has perfected their plans and it’s unfortunate the church is sleeping. As little as Disney, we allow our children watch them; but it’s part of initiating them through cartoons”.


While lamenting that the devil has perfected the worldly system, Dr. Kawas said there was the need for the church to wake up, hence the power of fellowship. She added that the power of fellowship have a significant impact on those actively participating in Christian activity, thereby boosting their faith

She urged Christian faithful not to take Christian fellowship for granted because fellowship helps believers, stating that fellowshipping together encourages the believers, build in them the principles of accountability, foster Unity and sense of belonging.

At such gathering, she said individuals can utilize their gifts and talents to serve one another and bring about protection from isolation.

While siting the book of Acts 2:42 which states “and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and prayers” she urged Christians to spend time in Gods presence.

Aldo citing Proverbs 6:19, she listed the enemies of fellowship to include Gossip, betrayal, pride, hatred, false witness, malice and jealousy, saying “never you allow urself to be recruited to hate someone”.

The sermon stressed the importance of been surrounded with Christian’s facing different challenges to provide comfort, encouragement as well as accountability.

Earlier Dr Kate Kawas listed seven ways to attract enviable blessings in the year 2025 to include love God, love the house of God, Love the work of God, love and obey the word of God , love the life style of God , love the men of God , love the praise and worship of God .

The sermon ended with members breaking into their K.I.T groups as way of checking up and everyone and providing a sense of belonging

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