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Who’s your guy?



In the journey of life and destiny, it is crucial to know and be certain of who is truly in your corner. Life often throws unexpected challenges, and in those moments, the love, active support, and encouragement of those closest to you can make all the difference in helping you rise again and continue your race.

It would be unwise to assume that just because many people surround you, they are genuinely on your side. Difficult times remain the most reliable way to identify those who truly love and care for you—those willing to go the extra mile when necessary. These are the kind of team players committed to lifting you when your wings fail to carry you due to the storms and vicissitudes of life.

Even our Lord Jesus Christ, during His earthly walk, understood the necessity of having a committed team in one’s journey through life. That is why He prayerfully selected twelve disciples and, beyond them, identified His most trusted three. If Jesus needed a dedicated team to support Him, then surely each of us does as well.

Do not wait until life throws you a curveball before seeking a shoulder to lean on. The ‘evil day’ is an inevitable part of life’s journey—when adversity comes knocking uninvited, regardless of how good, holy, or prayerful one may be. The Bible warns that woe befalls the person who faces trouble alone (paraphrased).

Find your true allies—those who genuinely care for you, who sincerely root for you, your ‘ride or die’—and invest in those relationships. Support one another so that when life’s storms rage, you will have people standing firmly by your side.

Do not make assumptions. Apart from God, ensure you also have human angels within your circle. A day or night will surely come when you will need them.

So, I leave you with this question to reflect upon and answer for yourself: Who’s your guy?

Much love.


Sharoneez Emephia

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