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Strength of a Woman



By Sharoneez Emephia

It is an error for a lady to have the mindset of a certain wealthy dude, coming into her life to solve all her financial issues and be her permanent helper, when God made her to be the man’s helper. HELPERS SEEKING HELP FROM THOSE THEY WERE CREATED TO HELP. This is a MINDSET Error. You need to adjust your settings!

Do you simply want a husband or do you wanna be a Wife? Be honest. If you dream only of some rich Dude coming to marry you off then your vision as a single woman is pretty shallow.

God decided to make a helper who was suitable for Adam. That means she was equipped to add to Adam’s life, equipped to make Adam better, more effective and more prosperous than HE ALREADY WAS. Now that’s a Powerful position!

Ladies, it’s important you realize that you have the ability to make or break your man. Keep adding value to yourself so you can REP well when the need arises. You’ve got what it takes to be as successful as you desire to be.

Always remember to use your intrisinct , God-given influence wisely. God has made you the man’s helper, it’s in you; just get to work, discover your true value, strength, worth, and begin to MANIFEST.

You feel me?



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